Play Schema Cards (4-6m): Little Looker
As not so new parents of a 3+ month old, you’re starting to find your rhythm in this new world of parenthood. The days might still be filled with sleep deprivation and a lot of questions, but amidst the yawns, there’s the joy of watching your little one grow and discover.
This is where Play Schema Cards can bring a little extra magic to your daily routine. Play schemas are essentially patterns of behavior that children exhibit as they explore and learn about the world around them. They are like mental blueprints that help children make sense of their experiences.
Designed for babies in the 4-6 month stage, these cards offer simple, engaging activities that align with your baby’s natural developmental patterns. Each activity is easy to set up, requiring only common household items, so you can focus on enjoying those precious moments of discovery together.
Gain access to 35 beautifully designed digital cards aligned to support the neurological schemas your child is likely to display in this quarter. Simply download on your phone and you are ready for play
The concept of schemas was introduced by the renowned Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget
Schemas are crucial in early childhood development, as they guide learning through patterns of behavior, known as schema play, such as transporting, enveloping, or rotating objects. By engaging in schema play, children explore and experiment with their environment, leading to deeper learning and problem-solving skills. Understanding and supporting schema play allows parents to foster cognitive development in a way that aligns with natural learning processes.